- Chemistry of Green Materials
- Energy Materials Science
- Environmental & Eco Informatics
- Environmental Cybernetics
- Environmental Impact Assessment of Waste Disposal
- Biodegradation and Composting Science
- Energy Storage (Batteries, Fuel Cells)
- Energy Efficiency
- Deep Learning for Energy & Environment
- Environmental Chemistry
- Fossil Fuels (Oil, Gas, Coal, etc.)
- Energy Physics
- Conservation Biology
- Ecology - Human, Marine, etc.
- Energy - Nuclear, Bio, Fossil, Light, etc.
- Environmental Data Science
- Recycling and Upcycling Technologies
- Waste Management - Hazardous, Solid, Water, Gas, etc.
- Green Chemistry
- Green Technology
- Biology - Marine, Aquatic, Plant, etc.
- Environmental Virtual Reality
- Geoscience
- Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Hydro, Geothermal, etc.)
- Waste Reduction and Minimization
- Waste Water Treatment and Management
- Waste-to-Energy Conversion